Frequently Asked Questions
Galiwin'ku Women's Space is committed to sharing why we do what we do and finding a way to understand each other better. Please submit questions you may have about GWS.

Question 1/
How do I become a member?
If you share our vision for a stronger and safer community, want to be involved in the decision making of GWS, and are passionate about supporting women and ending family violence, you can apply to be a member of the organisation!
To become a member of Galiwin’ku Women’s Space Inc. you need to fill out a membership application form. These can be found at the GWS office. Someone at the office will show you how to complete the form. The form needs to be signed by yourself and two current GWS members. When the form is complete give it back to the office and they will pass it onto the Management Committee who will review it at their next meeting. You will then be told if your application was successful.
Question 2/
What about men?
We recognize that our community is made up of men and women, so that in order to best support women, and end family violence, we also need to support boys and men. We also know that sometimes, as women, we are not the ones that are best suited for that work - so we try to support men and men’s groups that are working with, and supporting men.
We also seek male leaders in our community for guidance. We want to make sure that our service is beneficial for the entire community.
Question 3/
What will the new building be for?
The new GWS Building will be for the Galiwin’ku Community to support women and families who are going through tough times involving family violence or struggles. It will also be a place where women can come and rest, learn new skills, share stories with family and friends and have some space from stresses.
There will be four bedrooms that can each sleep a woman and her children. These rooms can be used as safe short-term accommodation for women and children who do not feel safe anywhere else due to violence.
The ‘day-use area’ of the building will be used for women in the community to rest, have a cup of tea, talk to each other, weave, paint, etc. In addition, we will be providing tailored client support through case management. We will also use the space to provide training sessions and host visiting service providers.
We intend to have a nice outdoor area that can be used for healing and wellbeing activities for women.
Question 4/
Where does GWS get their funding?
Galiwin’ku Women’s Space Inc. is an Incorporated Association under the NT Associations Act. This means we can apply for funding from Government and
Non-Government programs. We can also receive donations from the community, and we are currently working on becoming registered as a charity to make this process easier.
When our application for funding is approved, we enter into a contract or agreement with the government department or non-government organisation which sets the rules for how we have to use the money. We then must do a lot of reporting to show how this money is being used over the period of this agreement.
So far, we have received funding from:
Northern Territory Government, Department of Department of Territory Families, Housing and Communities
Australian Red Cross
Safer Communities’ for Children Program – Yalu Marnngithinyaraw Indigenous Corporation and Red Cross Partnership
Community donations
Question 5/
What should I do if I need help?
If it is an emergency, please call 000. Galiwin’ku Women’s Space is not the best place to call if you or someone you know is at serious risk of injury or death.
If it is not an emergency, reach out to us!
You can approach one of our members or staff,
call, or come into the office. If you share some of your story, we can advise you on whether or not we can help. If we can’t help, we will direct to someone who can.
Important emergency numbers:
Emergency Service – 000
Elcho Clinic After Hours - 0459 168 277
Galiwin'ku Women's Space
Question 6/
How can I support GWS?
GWS would love any support from members of the Galiwin’ku and wider community which can come in many forms!
If you want to support GWS you can:
Share our story though our website and social media.
Apply to become a member.
Ask about any available positions if you want to work with us.
Join in on our community events and programs.
Donate your time, skills, or money by contacting
Have a chat with us about what we do and share our positive stories with your family and friends!
Ask us a question
