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Our Foundations

Our values have built our foundations. They define who we are and guide how we engage with the community.




We exist as an organisation only because of the values we inherited from our community that respects, celebrates and communicates Yolŋu culture through ceremony, seeks equality in personal safety for everyone, recognises that we all have a role to play in building the community we want while acknowledging that both Yolŋu Law and Balanda Law has a place and must be upheld.


We exist as an organisation only because of the values we inherited from our community that respects, celebrates and communicates Yolŋu culture through ceremony, seeks equality in personal safety for everyone, recognises that we all have a role to play in building the community we want while acknowledging that both Yolŋu Law and Balanda Law has a place and must be upheld.


Guided by its members. we share a common set of personal values that underpin the foundation of the organisation. We conduct ourselves with honesty, taking responsibility and accountability for everything we do and say while also demonstrating respect by committing to foster and support each other regardless of differences. We have the courage to speak up, to take action and seek out the truth about how things really are while having the humility to reach out for assistance and advice when we need to in order to make good decisions. We show our compassion and love toward others with our genuine desire to want to help make a difference by sharing our wisdom and knowledge and engaging in support at a physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual level.

Our Approach


A gurruṯu-centred approach recognises and works through the existing Yolŋu system of relatedness, care and responsibility through which family violence issues can be better understood and addressed.



Our services are designed to offer guidance, knowledge, support and safety to women so they can negotiate their own ways of overcoming their experiences of domestic and family violence.




We are currently developing our service model in line with cultural and community needs. More to come.



 Mangrove Worm 

We Know

a community where women and children are free from violence is a community where culture is thriving

"what is hidden away, we need to take it out

to make them feel safe"

Joan Malku, Galiwin'ku Women's Space Member

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